Instantly add another living space to your home.

Instantly add another living space to your home.
Ziptrak® screens easily maximise your living options by connecting indoor and outdoor environments to make one harmonious room. They also provide seclusion and protection from the elements, while controlling airflow, light and temperature. As well as being robust and aesthetically pleasing, Ziptrak® has a patented track-guided system that ensures screens easily glide up or down and stop in the position you require.
MIN – 650 x 500 mm
MAX PVC – 5500 x 3500 mm
MAX Mesh – 6000 x 3500 mm
Shadeview Mesh – 25 colours
Clear or tinted PVC (0.75 mm)
Soltis Mesh – 61 colours
Automated (Mesh only)
Reverse handle
Face fix
Pull stick
135 mm small pelmet – drops up to 2800
165 mm large pelmet – drops up to 3500
135 mm flashing
Customised to Dulux powder coat range